Professionally Guided Weight Loss

Professionally Guided Weight Loss


Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, Skinny Shots in Beverly Hills

Professionally guided weight loss with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide at GM Plastic Surgery

There is a reason there are so many diets, home exercise equipment, gyms, and trainers out there: weight loss is hard and sustained weight loss is exceedingly difficult. The most common reason for failure to lose weight is hunger and falling back into the psychological habits we have with eating food. GM Plastic Surgery now offers a supervised weight loss program using the latest and best in pharmacologic technology: GLP-1 analogue Semaglutide, and the GLP-1 and GIP analogue Tirzepatide. These medications have a proven track record of significant and sustained weight loss. What sets us apart from the others is our deep commitment to your sustained success in weight loss and keeping the weight off!

How do these medications work?

These medications mimic hormones made in your intestine after you eat to signal to your brain that you are full. In addition, these medications have positive effects on bone density, fat resorption, metabolism, gut motility, cardio-protective effects, and the brain. They were initially FDA approved for diabetes, but also found to have profound effects on body weight, appetite, and even addictions. The FDA has now approved them for weight loss too. Using our program, you will lose weight quickly and easily, no longer struggling with an insatiable appetite or slow weight loss.

Semaglutide versus Tirzepatide

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 agonist (look alike), which is a molecule produced in our gut that sends signals to our brain, muscle, fat, pancreas and liver. Tirzepatide is also a GLP-1 agonist, but additionally is a GIP agonist, another gut hormone. Tirzepatide is more effective at curbing appetite, which translates into greater weight loss, and with fewer side effects.

The Benefits of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

Significant weight loss. These medications allow for real weight loss that you will see in your body’s transformation to a leaner you.

Improved overall body health. Along with weight loss, your body will experience lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol and lipid levels, and improved mental focus with less addictive thought patterns.

Non-invasive technology. All of these benefits are derived from the medication without surgery or the need for recovery and risk of complications.

Schedule an in-person or virtual appointment today

Schedule Your Consultation
May 28, 2024
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Are you a Semaglutide or Tirzepatide Candidate?

• If you have significant difficulty losing weight, can’t keep weight off, and/or you are overweight or obese by body metrics like BMI. Typically a BMI of greater than 26 is considered eligible.

• If you are not diabetic or taking medications for diabetes.

• If you don’t have thyroid cancer or issues with your pancreas.

• If you have tried and failed on traditional diet and exercise programs.

• If you understand that long term success requires changes to diet and lifestyle.

• If you desire non-surgical and safe options to sustained weight loss that are truly effective.

• If you want weight loss in preparation of cosmetic plastic surgery to improve your outcome and reduce complications.

Begin the process by scheduling a consultation

At this evaluation, Dr. Minniti will review your medical, dietary, and exercise history. A specific plan will be developed for you to begin and proceed on your weight loss and health journey. Body metrics will be obtained for the purposes of tracking your results.

Your weekly skinny shot!

A simple and easy injection of your medicine will be administered either in the office by Dr. Minniti or can be self-administered in the comfort of your home. By the way, the shot is virtually painless!

You will notice in one to two days the medicine working with the immediate reduction in appetite and thoughts about eating or food in general. In as little as two weeks you will see your weight decreasing and your clothes fitting better. You are now taking control of your life, your health, and your happiness.

During your journey, we will help you make the lifestyle changes necessary after discontinuing either Semaglutide or Tirzepatide so that you can keep your results for a lifetime.


Get in touch to book your first appointment

(310) 275-0040
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