Enhance the shape and size of your breasts with an implant augmentation procedure in Beverly Hills, performed by Dr. Gerald Minniti, a leading provider of cosmetic breast surgery. Board-certified in plastic surgery, Dr. Minniti uses the most advanced breast implant surgical techniques and offers a comprehensive selection of implant types, sizes, and shapes in order to deliver individualized results that meet each patient’s unique goals. Whether you are looking to improve the appearance of volume loss following pregnancy or weight loss or are simply looking to achieve the physique you have always desired, a breast implant augmentation procedure with Dr. Gerald Minniti offers a rapid recovery and stunning results.
Breast Augmentation with Implants: What Are the Benefits?
Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most reliable ways to enhance breast size and shape, offering consistently beautiful and predictable results. Unlike breast augmentation with fat grafting, implants provide greater control over the size and contour of the breasts, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a more dramatic enhancement or long-lasting results.
Benefits of breast augmentation with implants include:
- Customizable Results – Implants come in various sizes, shapes, and profiles to meet each patient’s aesthetic goals.
- Long-Lasting Effects – Modern implants are designed for durability, providing results that can last for many years with proper care.
- Predictable Outcomes – Implant placement offers precise control over breast volume, shape, and symmetry.
Breast Implant Types: Silicone, Gummy Bear, and Saline
Choosing the right type of breast implant is a significant decision in your augmentation journey. Thanks to advancements in the technology of breast implants, patients now have more options than ever before, so making a well-informed choice that considers the priority of specific outcome factors is essential. Dr. Minniti will provide comprehensive guidance to help you select the implant type, size and shape that best suits your goals and lifestyle.
Silicone Gel-Filled Implants: The most popular choice among patients, silicone implants are known for their natural feel and appearance. These implants are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing for highly customizable results.
Gummy Bear Implants: A newer option, gummy bear implants are made with a highly cohesive, form-stable silicone gel. Their unique structure makes them resistant to leakage and shape distortion, reducing the risk of complications. Gummy bear implants maintain their shape even if the outer shell is damaged, offering unparalleled stability and aesthetic consistency.
Saline Implants: Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, which is safely absorbed by the body in the rare event of a rupture. These implants are often adjustable during surgery, allowing for fine-tuning to achieve the desired size and symmetry.
Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills: Minimizing Downtime, Maximizing Results
To help patients recover faster and enhance their results after undergoing breast implant surgery, Dr. Minniti integrates the principles of rapid recovery into every phase of the procedure. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, by incorporating the rapid recovery philosophy, Dr. Minniti ensures patients have the potential to experience a shorter recovery period without compromising their results. Here’s what it entails:
- In-Depth Patient Education: Empowering patients with knowledge about the procedure, expected results, and recovery process.
- Precise Anatomical Measurements: Tailoring surgery to the patient’s unique body, ensuring optimal implant selection and placement.
- Custom Implant Matching: Selecting implants that align with the patient’s desired appearance and anatomical proportions.
- Natural Incision Placement: Strategically placing incisions along natural creases under the breasts for minimal visibility.
- ‘No-Touch’ Implant Delivery: Employing sterile techniques without pre-use of sizers to reduce contamination risk.
- Meticulous Surgical Closure: Ensuring clean, precise wound closure to promote faster healing and better aesthetics.
Post-surgery, many patients benefit from the rapid recovery method’s comfort-focused approach:
- Reduced Pain: Patients often avoid narcotic pain medications and instead rely on over-the-counter solutions for mild discomfort.
- No Tight Wraps: A snug bra replaces the need for restrictive and uncomfortable compression bands.
- Quick Return to Daily Life: Most patients can resume regular activities within 48 hours while continuing to heal fully over time.
Breast Augmentation with Implants: Candidates, Consultation and Cost
Breast augmentation with implants is often the perfect solution for individuals seeking to enhance breast size, restore volume after pregnancy or weight loss, or improve symmetry. Ideal candidates include patients who are non-nicotine users and are in good overall health.
A consultation and physical evaluation with Dr. Gerald Minniti in Beverly Hills, will confirm your compatibility with surgery and enable you to learn about the various types of breast implants and discuss the choices that are best aligned with your outcome goals.
The cost of breast implant surgery depends on specific details of each patient’s procedure, so it varies. For added convenience, we offer patients the option to finance their cosmetic surgery. If breast augmentation is right for you, Dr. Minniti will create a customized surgical plan that incorporates your personal preferences and includes detailed price information.
Patients of Dr. Minniti enjoy privacy, convenience, and the added cost benefit of having their procedures performed in the fully accredited ambulatory surgical center located near his offices in Beverly Hills.
Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Minniti Today
Take the first step toward achieving your ideal breast augmentation results today by requesting an appointment. By combining his surgical expertise with the innovative philosophy of rapid recovery, Dr. Minniti ensures every patient has a comfortable experience and achieves an exceptional outcome. Contact the Beverly Hills plastic surgery office of Gerald Minniti, MD, today to schedule your breast implant consultation.
Learn More
Preparing for Your Breast Augmentation Procedure
Inframammary Incision
Peri-Areolar Incision
- Scar spread
- Discoloration
- Tethering
Further, advances in scientific research have shown that this method of breast augmentation puts patients at a high risk of experiencing capsular contracture, or a hardening of the breast due to scar tissue formation. Capsular contracture is the most common complication of breast augmentation surgeries.
Axillary (Armpit) Incision
Umbilical Incision
Implant Position
- Above the pectoralis muscle
- Above the muscle but below the outer fascia of the muscle
- Below the pectoralis muscle.
Most data indicate better implant coverage with a lower risk of capsular contracture when the implant is placed below the pectoralis muscle. The one potential complication with sub-pectoral placement is implant movement and/or implant deformity with muscular contraction.*
*Individual results may vary
Preparation For Surgery
You may awake in recovery with minimal pressure and stiffness. You may be able to have a bra on which fits you in a gentle snug fashion. Once home, you may take a Motrin and begin passive stretching exercises to relax your muscles every hour during the first day. Many people can feel well enough to go out to dinner the first night. we ask that you follow up in my office the next day for a quick check, and then again the following week. Showering is permissible the day after surgery. You can possibly feel comfortable resuming all normal daily activities within 72 hours, including driving.
Tape will be applied to your incisions, which can possibly be changed one week after surgery. It is important to keep incisions covered with paper tape for the first 6 weeks for scar management. Some may also use silicone tape for added benefit.
Over the next few weeks, exercise may possibly be incorporated back into your daily activities. Full recovery should not be expected for possibly 3 months.
Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation
How soon can I return to work after breast augmentation with the rapid recovery method?
While full healing takes more time, by integrating this approach into the before and after process of breast augmentation surgery, many patients are able to return to light work and daily activities after just a few days.
What types of breast implants are best for achieving natural-looking results
Silicone vs. saline breast implants in a size and shape that aligns with the patient’s physical anatomy is typically recommended.
Related Procedures
Breast Lift
A breast lift raises and firms the breasts, enhancing their shape and position for a more youthful contour.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery may possibly make your breasts lighter and more comfortable; allowing clothes to fit better.
Breast Revision
Patients have the opportunity to correct any problems that may have resulted from a previous breast enlargement surgery.